Briya is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The school was most recently re-accredited in 2018 for the standard seven-year period, running through 2025. As part of the accreditation process, Briya created and is implementing a strategic plan to guide continuous school improvement efforts, utilizing the Excellence by Design protocol.
The countries of origin for Briya students and staff, 2020-21 school year.
Today, Briya serves over 950 adult and early childhood students at four school locations. Students and staff come from over 50 countries, embodying Briya’s values of multiculturalism and inclusivity.
Briya’s mission is to strengthen families through culturally responsive two-generation education.
Our two-generation approach to education recognizes that parents are children’s first and most important teachers. As parents’ literacy and educational levels increase, so does their children’s academic success.
Student agency and voice are foundational to high-quality education.
People of all countries, races, religions, cultures, genders, sexual orientations, languages, abilities, and life experiences are integral to the Briya community.
A space of safety and mutual respect among students and staff promotes optimal growth and belonging.
Strategic, agile collaboration on all levels—among staff, students, departments, and community partners—increases the holistic success of student families.
The pursuit of equity drives Briya’s work. Through our comprehensive, two-generation educational model, we seek to overcome systemic oppression and partner with students to create opportunities for all to thrive.
Research proves that as parents’ literacy and educational levels increase, so does their children’s academic success. At Briya, families are not merely participants in the school; they are the architects of it. Briya’s growth over the past 30 years has been in response to the needs and wishes of the families it serves.